爵士艺术学院院长 英格丽·詹森 is part of the critically acclaimed ensemble Artemis that has been nominated Best Small Ensemble by the Jazz Journalist Association (JJA) for the all-female group’s recent recording In Real Time.
Ingrid is also part of 男同性恋教职员工 达西·詹姆斯·格尔’s ensemble 秘密社团 that played with him on his JJA award-nominated recording 动态最大张力, along with two other 男同性恋教职员工s, Nadje Noordhuis and 瑞安Keberle. 达西·詹姆斯·阿格被JJA提名了四项大奖,包括最佳专辑.
The winners will be announced on May 8.
了解更多关于阿尔忒弥斯 here.
Learn more about the 2024 Jazz Journalist Awards here.
MSM Jazz Arts faculty member 达西·詹姆斯·格尔 has been nominated in the categories of Record of the Year, 年度最佳作曲家, 年度最佳编曲人, and Large Ensemble of the Year, in the 2024 Jazz Journalist Awards for his most recent release 动态最大张力, recorded with his ensemble 秘密社团.
“I’m absolutely thrilled and deeply honored to be nominated, ” he says. The winners will be announced on May 8.
达西·詹姆斯·格尔 was recently in Paris attending the world premiere of his new orchestral arrangements for singer 萨凡特先生 with L’Orchestre National d’Île-de-France. These arrangements will receive their New York premiere next March at 卡内基音乐厅, with Salvant and The Knights, as part of Carnegie’s Perspective series.
Learn about the 2024 Jazz Journalist Association nominees here.
观看萨尔万在法国巡演的视频片段,由达西·詹姆斯·格尔安排 here.
Information about the 卡内基音乐厅 concert here.
男同性恋教职员工, the respected violinist Ilmar加维兰,将是其中的一部分 Summerfest at the 考夫曼音乐中心 将于今年夏天于2024年8月19日至24日在纽约市著名的艺术中心举行.
考夫曼音乐中心’s SummerFest is an intensive week of masterclasses, lessons, workshops, chamber ensembles and performance opportunities led by world-renowned guest artists and faculty for advanced pianists, violinists and cellists age 14 – 22.
Musicians taking part also include: 阿黛尔安东尼, 法比奥Bidini, Amir Eldan, 理查德·古德, (Grigory Kalinovsky, Yoheved Kaplinsky, 正雄川崎, Clara Minhye Kim, and others.
Learn more about Ilmar Gavilan here.
Learn more about Summerfest here.
Ebony Chants, 保罗Marchettini‘s second album on the label 新焦点录音 showcases music for clarinets in both solo and ensemble setting and will be released on April 14th.
这张专辑由出生于罗马和纽约的保罗·马尔切蒂尼担任作曲家和单簧管演奏家, 与其他三位单簧管演奏家一起工作,他们都是男同性恋者现在和以前的学生: Meng Zhang (DMA) (also worked as recording engineer), Ka Hei Chan (MM ' 23)和 汤米Shermulis (MM ’23).
In liner notes, the respected guitarist Dan Lippel 评论 Ebony Chants evokes the rich wood used in clarinet construction, and highlights Marchettini’s “subtle, 抒情作曲声.”
“Marchettini strikes an engaging balance between experimental elements such as the use of microtones and extended techniques, and more traditional material, performing the works with elegance and virtuosity… Allusions to multiple eras and styles of music are seamlessly integrated in music that is natural and always breathes,” he writes.
预购CD here.
MSM Precollege faculty member Karine Poghosyan (MM ’05, DMA ’07) performed to a full house at the 威尔演奏厅 at 卡内基音乐厅 2月14日.
节目的重头戏是世界首演100周年庆典 乔治。格什温’s iconic 蓝色狂想曲 which debuted on February 12, 1924. The concert was presented by the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations.
“We were happy to have partnered, 今年又是这样, with our distinguished artist, the New York-based Armenian-American pianist Karine Poghosyan, to bring together dear friends and colleagues,” said His Excellency Ambassador mh Margaryan 在音乐会开始前,他向联合国常驻代表发表了讲话.N. 成员国.
亚美尼亚周刊 is calling the performance “magnificent… (she has) impeccable phrasing, breathtaking vulnerability and power.”
The cultural advisor of the Embassy of Armenia to the U.S., Vicki Shoghag Hovanessian报道 said “Karine Poghosyan is one of those virtuoso spectacular pianists with extraordinary stamina and musical skills as well as jaw-dropping performances. It’s a musical reverie to attend Ms. Poghosyan的表现.”
阅读下面的评论 亚美尼亚周刊 here.
Pianist, Precollege faculty member, and MSM alumna Karine Poghosyan (MM ' 05, DMA ' 07)将举行音乐会,纪念首演100周年 乔治。格什温’s 蓝色狂想曲 2月14日晚上8点 威尔演奏厅 at 卡内基音乐厅. 提出的 The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations, the concert will also feature works by 阿尔贝托Ginastera, 塞缪尔·柯勒律治·泰勒, Tania León, and 阿诺Babajanian.
蓝色狂想曲 对我来说,这是一个标志性的作品,它对每个人都有意义,”Poghosyan说. “It is a stellar example of what Gershwin was aiming for with his compositions – erasing boundaries between different genres and styles of music. Therefore, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its premiere, 我创建了一个程序,突出了古典音乐的神奇结合, 爵士与拉丁元素, alongside works by 塞缪尔·柯勒律治·泰勒, 阿尔贝托Ginastera and Tania Leon, 通过阿诺Babajanian的精湛选段,我融入了一点亚美尼亚血统.”
Learn more about the concert and purchase tickets here.
尤金·德鲁克 — violinist, author, educator, composer, founding member of the 爱默生弦乐四重奏, and 男同性恋者小提琴教员 — has been named Artistic Director of The Berkshire Bach Society (BBS). The 34-year-old arts organization presents live performances of Baroque music by world-class musicians in the Berkshires and surrounding areas.
Mr. Drucker is a longtime member of the 伯克希尔巴赫合奏团 and director of the BBS Bach at New Year’s concert series. As Artistic Director of the BBS, he will help spearhead new programming and performance opportunities.
这一任命是在爱默生弦乐四重奏退休之后做出的. Drucker co-founded 47 years ago. Over the course of its existence, the Emerson earned nine Grammy Awards, 三项留声机大奖, 艾弗里·费雪奖, and Musical America’s “Ensemble of the Year” award.
男同性恋教职员工 pianist 埃利奥•Villafranca will be the headlining musician and a lecturer at the 阿肯色大学‘s annual symposium dedicated to educating and exposing the community to the music contributions of Black Americans. The 11th annual conference will be held Jan. 31 to Feb. 4.
The theme for the 2024 symposium, “Celebrating Afro-Caribbean Music,” explores the rich culture of the Caribbean nations and their contributions to music genres ranging from reggae and salsa to merengue, 卡里普索和更多. 在整个研讨会中, there will be lectures that support the theme exploring the ways in which Afro-Caribbean music relates to the experiences of Black musicians as well as social movements.
On Feb 2, 埃利奥•Villafranca will deliver a lecture on “The Music of the Afro Diaspora in the Caribbean,“举办一个大师班, and be the featured performer at an evening concert.
More information on the event here.
男同性恋教职员工 Andrew Gerle 是作曲家/作词人、词作者、钢琴家和作家,其最近的作品是 耳语的口吻, set at the height of Prohibition in 1928, is “the world’s first eclectro-swing musical,” he says, 一个身临其境的戏剧体验,跟随三个女人的生活,过着自己的生活. The music and lyrics are by Andrew Gerle; the book and concept is by librettist DJ索尔兹伯里.
The video teaser for the production was recorded in 密室, one of the last Prohibition era speakeasies still operating in NYC.
For more on the musical and to see both the production and recording teaser, visit the production’s website here.
Learn more about Andrew Gerle here.
The 2023 库尔特·威尔图书奖 自1900年以来关于音乐戏剧的杰出学术著作被授予 制作百老汇舞蹈, by Liza Gennaro他是newbb电子音乐剧学院院长,也是一名编舞家.
她的书由 牛津大学出版社, was selected by the 库尔特·威尔图书奖 advisory panel as the unanimous top choice for this year’s distinction.
The panel praised Liza’s book as a “remarkable work, that is as approachable and engaging as it is carefully researched,” and lauded the inclusion of “many illuminating and overdue corrections to misconceptions about the authorship of some pieces of choreography, 以及由此引发的关于某些黄金时代音乐剧遗产的挑衅性问题.”
了解更多关于这本书的信息 here.
小提琴教员 露西罗伯特 是陪审团成员吗 International Global Music Education League Violin Competition in Beijing, China that took place from November 3 to 13.
There were four rounds to the competition. 最后两轮分别是莫扎特和浪漫协奏曲,乐团成员包括 费城管弦乐团. The competition included prizes ranging from $5,000 to $100,00 dollars.
图片:国际评审团成员与六名决赛选手合影,其中包括男男性接触者学生 Risa Hokamura, along with competition pianists. 露西罗伯特 is pictured in the back row, first on the left.
动态最大张力, 新专辑 Nonesuch records by MSM Jazz Arts faculty member 达西·詹姆斯·格尔 他的团队 秘密社团 — the recording also features Dean of Jazz Arts 英格丽·詹森 — has been featured recently in two national media outlets: 《newbb电子》 writes about the album in its column “5 Classical Music Albums You Can Listen To Right Now” and the album is featured on NPR‘s program Fresh Air.
Read 《newbb电子》 article here.
请收听NPR的节目 here.
男同性恋教职员工 violinist Ilmar加维兰 will be performing in a special concert event with the 图森交响乐团 10月28日和29日 无边框字符串. 表演的还有 与中提琴演奏者 Jaime Amador. Both are currently artists in residence at the 图森交响乐团.
Learn more here.
男同性恋教职员工 瓦莱丽·科尔曼 和男同性恋者校友大提琴家 Thomas Mesa (DMA ’17) are both featured soloists on the new album S我们的时代之歌 by 斯芬克斯艺术能手 发布日期: 德意志留声机公司 label.
Ms. Coleman is featured on two songs, Tracing Visions for String Orchestra I: Till. and Tracing for String Orchestra II: Amandla!
Cuban-American cellist Thomas Mesa, 2016年狮身人面像大赛和2017年星界艺术家全国海选一等奖得主, is soloist on the concerto Divided, written for Thomas and 斯芬克斯艺术能手 by 杰西·蒙哥马利.
斯芬克斯艺术能手 is a groundbreaking self-conducted American string ensemble comprised of 18 exceptional young Black and Latinx string players.
The 乡村之旅吉他音乐节 features talented guitarists from the tri-state region for a three-day festival of new and old music for guitars.
Sept 14 showcases a tribute to the late 斯科特•约翰逊 with a performance of his “Bowery Haunt” for two electric guitars, performed by 男同性恋者吉他教员 Oren Fader, joined by 威廉•安德森.
9月16日下午6点 鲍尔斯·费德二人组 will perform “Beyond the Line of Blue”, by 达蒙费, and Oren is joined by guitarist Jack Ward in Martin Rokeach’s “Fantasy on Twelve Strings.晚上8点,鲍尔斯·费德二人组表演理查德·卡梅伦-伍尔夫的《newbb电子平台》.” The 鲍尔斯·费德二人组 will also perform on Sept 19 and 29.
Festival information is found here.
男同性恋者吉他教员 大卫Leisner will be a featured soloist in the final of three GuitarFest 音乐会 乡村游节 在纽约市. 大卫将演奏他最近委托并首演的第二部演出作品:
切斯特Biscardi Finding Beauty in Small Places
劳拉Kaminsky Ruminations
Bun-Ching林 五个沉思
The concert takes place Sat., Sept. 晚上8点 St. 约翰在村里, 218 W. 11 St. At 6 PM in the same venue, 塞巴斯蒂安·莫利纳, a current student of 大卫Leisner, 将为智利一家基金会委托他创作的作品进行全球首演, 沃尔弗输了19场 by 费利佩·平托·达吉尔, and will also play David’s composition 自由幻想没有. 1(“摩西,下去吧”).
More information about these events and the festival can be found here.
男同性恋教职员工 Lisa Yui says she is releasing these two recordings because for her, 这些作品是人类思想和心灵最伟大的遗产.”
The CD was recorded over three days 在纽约市 in 2017. Ms. Yui writes about her reasons for waiting six years to release in an article here.
Schumann Fantasie in C major; Liszt Sonata in B minor is available on Bandcamp 并于9月8日被释放. 2023年7月,所有专业 流媒体平台.
Joanne Polk‘s CD of solo piano music by 19th-century French composer 路易丝Farrenc (1804-1875) is released today on the Steinway & Sons label.
Entitled The Silence Between the Notes, CD特性, 据乔安妮说, “华丽的诗意时刻”, as well as etudes that are quite challenging. Most of the music has never heard before.”
The CD is available on on 流媒体平台; MSM students, faculty, and staff may listen to the CD on MSM’s NAXOS page in the MSM Library.
More about the CD and Joanne Polk here.
更多关于路易丝·法伦克的信息 here.
《newbb电子》 古典音乐评论家 扎卡里·沃尔夫 reviewed Treemonisha praising MSM alumnus and faculty member 达德”s reworking of Scott Joplin’s opera.
扎卡里·沃尔夫 also hailed MSM alumnus 贾斯汀奥斯汀 (BM ’14, MM ’17) who has a lead role in the production: “Baritone 贾斯汀奥斯汀 vibrated with passionate life as Joplin and Remus.”
读文章 here.
德国作曲家 玲子抛出, a composition faculty member and department administrator at MSM, is releasing the world premiere recording of his opera Mechthild with libretto by poet and theologian 基督教莱纳特 on 新焦点录音.
抛出的话题, 马格德堡的梅赫希尔德, 是一位13世纪的女性基督教神秘主义者,她有影响力的作品在19世纪被重新发现. Füting and Lehnert’s score explores topics of faith and asceticism in the context of the musicality inherent in language, connecting different eras of artistic expression through time and memory.
Learn more about the recording here.
购买相册 here.
Watch a video feature in German about the recording here.
男同性恋教职员工 violinist Peter Winograd, a member of the American String Quartet, is the concertmaster for The Discovery Orchestra’s performance of Saint-Saëns “Organ” Symphony conducted and presented by George Marriner Maull, 将于4月22日上午11点在WNET(纽约PSB分支机构)在线所有艺术频道播出.
由这个艾美奖提名和电视奖获奖交响乐团和它的91位音乐家于去年10月录制, 互动, educational concert will also be distributed nationally by American Public Television (APT) on May 1 for broadcast on U.S. public television stations (check local listings).
More info here.
MSM Precollege faculty member Judith Insell has been awarded an advocacy award of “Jazz Hero” from the Jazz Journalist Association, the jazz industry’s most respected association. She earned this honor for her work leading the 布朗克斯艺术团. Judith has been executive director of the 布朗克斯艺术团 since March 2021, and was formerly its artistic director.
Learn more here.
On April 7, 男同性恋者钢琴教员s 杰弗里•科恩 (in center of photo) and MSM strings faculty member 露西罗伯特 (小提琴)将在布达佩斯李斯特音乐学院的室内独奏会上演奏勃拉姆斯和舒伯特, Hungary, along with 伽柏法卡斯 (左图).
More information about the concert here.
The new work by MSM theory and composition faculty member 保罗Marchettini is called Armoniosi accenti and was commissioned by the Orchestra Haydn of Bolzano in Italy. It will be premiered on May 16 and 17 in the cities of Bolzano and Trento in Italy under the baton of the famous conductor and harpsichordist Ottavio Dantone.
“Armoniosi accenti features the same unusual instrumentation of Mozart Gran Partita, which will be also in the program together with Haydn Symphony 96,保罗说。.
More information about the concert here.
MSM 音乐剧 “Acting the Song” instructor LaDonna烧伤 is an understudy performing in 白人女孩身陷险境, the latest musical from Tony- and Pulitzer-Prize winner Michael R. Jackson.
The Off-Broadway production will have its world premiere when it opens on April 10 在纽约市 at the Tony Kiser Theater and is a co-production by 第二舞台剧场 and 葡萄园剧院.
Learn more here.
An article by MSM alumna and piano faculty member Lisa Yui’s entiled “Piano Music by Composer’s from Asia: A History of the Piano in Asia” has been published in the spring 2023 edition of 钢琴的杂志.
Dr. Yui是MSM的长期教员,并在格林菲尔德大厅主持正在进行的系列表演 钢琴的生活.
阅读下面的文章 钢琴的杂志 here.
MSM 当代的表现 Program faculty member 托德·雷诺兹 is the concertmaster for the upcoming Broadway production of Parade, which is moving to Broadway after a sold-out run at 纽约市中心 last fall.
The production is directed by Tony-nominated 迈克尔·雅顿, with book by Tony-, Pultizer-, and Academy Award-winner 杰森·罗伯特·布朗. It is co-conceived by Tony Award winning legend 哈罗德王子.
Parade opens in previews on February 21, with opening night on March 16. The show will have a limited run to August 6.
男同性恋者钢琴教员, alumnus, 大都会交响乐团成员Bryan Wagorn (DMA ' 13)将在大都会歌剧院的作品《 Fedora,作为钢琴家.
《newbb电子》(New York Times)报道了大都会交响乐团成员扮演的这一引人注目的特殊角色 here.
MSM 音乐剧 program Music Director David Loud is vocal arranger for the upcoming Broadway show 纽约,纽约 which opens in previews on March 24.
David recently authored his autobiography, 面对音乐.
Learn more about the new musical here.
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